How does the shipping process works?

We ship Diamond Paintings through various carriers in different countries. Once your package passes through customs, then your order will be delivered to you through your country’s local carrier. After passing the customs your order’s delivery time depends on your country’s and local carrier situation and services.

Why my order tracking is not updating?

If your tracking status hasn’t been updated for few days. Don’t fret as it is quite normal for the tracking status to get stuck while moving between distribution centers. Once the order provisioned to the next stage the tracking status will be updated.


No worries! Contact us right away and we'll help guide you through the process. 

Note: Please make sure the items are sealed and in good condition when you return them. Unfortunately, we cannot refund unsealed or damaged paintings.

You will be responsible for paying the shipping costs for returning your item.

What is the Estimated delivery time?

Normally the packages are delivered in 2-4 weeks. However, if your tracking code doesn’t start working in 3 – 5 Business Days after receiving your shipping confirmation email, then you should contact our Customer Care Department to get your issue resolved. 

Why do I have multiple tracking numbers?

Different items are shipped through our multiple partners from different places. For this reason, you may get multiple tracking number for multiple packages of your order.

How can I track my order?

The packages are shipped through multiple carriers and can be tracked on various tracking sites. However, you can use 17track for tracking your order.